Stp170 Heidelberg
Spread out strongpoint in the village of Audresselles

Stp170 Heidelberg site overview

What to see
Stp170 Heidelberg is a spread strongpoint running along the shoreline of the beautiful coastal village of Audresselles. It features a mixture of observation posts and defensive structures, including a R680 and R612 casemates for 7.5cm Pak 40 assault guns in an anti-tank/vehicle role.
Located to the south of the large batteries of the Cap Gris Nez area, this site has an enviable view over the English Channel with the two observation posts benefiting from a large field of view from the Batterie Todt area to the north and view towards Wimereux in the south.
The northerly R680 casemate today stands right on the edge of the cliffs which are highly susceptible to erosion and of all the positions it is the one with the most limited lifespan in its current location.
It’s a very different story for the R612 casemate which has benefited from its incorporation into the protective sea wall, and it now a holiday gite for large families – the dream accommodation for any bunker hunter!
One structure which most holidaymakers will simply walk past is the section of roadblock located on Rue Carnot to the south of the village. There would have been two parts to this barrier, and they would have a Belgian gate in position between the two posts to prevent access to and from the beach.