Stp243 Enzian
Communications bunkers on the outskirts of Boulogne

Stp243 Enzian site overview

What to see
Located on the eastern outskirts of the port city of Boulogne-sur-Mer in the Saint Martin district you can find two large Kommandostand bunkers which are the only remaining buildings in what was a much larger site used by both the Kriegsmarine and German Army.
The building which now stands underneath a house was a large communication centre for the city where main telephone switchboards were located, a busy hub of information receiving, processing, and transmission, manned by around 25 technical staff.
Next to it stands a workshop building. Both are now used for storage with only the workshop accessible with permission and even with access there is little to see inside as, apart from the section now used as a storage room/garage, the rest of the other entrances have been partially sealed to prevent access.
On the floor of the garage the original floor tiles can still be seen, although they are under a thick layer of dirt and industrial junk!
Surrounding the site - now buried under the expansion of the industrial area of Saint Martin - were personnel shelters, defensive machine gun and mortar Tobruks, casemates for anti-tank guns, a R134 ammunition bunker (now under a block of flats), a R118 hospital building, a R621 single group shelter (now under McDonald's) and a network of trenches linking the bunkers.