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Wn222 Strandnelke
Clifftop bunkers now resting on the beach

Wn222 Strandnelke site overview

What to see
The cliffs to the north of Boulogne-sur-Mer are crumbling away at a seemingly rapid rate and German bunker sites built on them are disappearing into the sea below, as is the case with Wn222 Strandnelke.
Most of the buildings from this once cliff top defensive site now rest on the stony beach and are attacked by the tides each day, with others making their way downwards as sections of the headland slip towards the sea.
From the main car park off the D940 road north of the city you can look over the cliff edge and see several fallen casemates and positions, including a fully intact machine gun casemate plus emplacements for a searchlight and a 7.5cm field gun.

Stp222 Strandnelke MG bunker. Copyright NormandyBunkers

Stp222 Strandnelke MG bunker. Copyright NormandyBunkers

Stp222 Strandnelke site overview.

Stp222 Strandnelke MG bunker. Copyright NormandyBunkers
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