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Stp Bruno
Small beachfront site with large command bunker

Stp Bruno site overview

What to see
Strongpoint Bruno may be a small bunker site to the east of Dunkirk near to the border with Belgium, but it boasts one of the largest constructions in the area.
This is a R636 command bunker for a coastal batterie and would have been vital for range finding and targeting for the many batteries in the vicinity.
A R506 casemate for a 4.7cm Skoda fortress gun can also be found here along with a several Tobruks, a machine gun post, and a Ringstand for a 5cm KwK anti-tank gun. This structure has the unusual addition of a brick-built wall on top of the concrete base to give the gun crew added protection.

R636 measuring post at Stp Bruno. Copyright NormandyBunkers

R636 measuring post at Stp Bruno. Copyright NormandyBunkers

Stp Bruno site overview.

R636 measuring post at Stp Bruno. Copyright NormandyBunkers
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