Stp Dorade
Twin casemates covering east side of Dunkirk port

Stp Dorade site overview

What to see
Unusually for a German batterie there are only two gun casemates at Stp Dorade instead of the four which are normally built at such sites.
Perhaps this was due to the site being located less than 1km away from the much more powerful Stp Dorsch to the west where four open emplacements for 15.5cm guns were located, along with more extensive supporting structures including ammunition bunkers and large group shelters.
Stp Dorade feels like a ‘light site’ in comparison to its neighbour however it still features two R671 casemates and both are in reasonable condition still with their original steel rear doors in place. Inside there are two ammo niches either side of a short central corridor which leads you to the gun room.
Unlike other R671 casemates found in coastal locations along the Atlantikwall, these have been ‘squared off’ with added outer structures and apex roofs which make them look more like farmhouse, agricultural buildings or barns. Over the gun embrasures there are steel rails which would have held steel or camouflage netting to further hide the purpose of the casemates.
Both buildings face directly north west towards the port area of Dunkirk but this type of casemate allowed the guns mounted here to pivot through 120 degrees so they would have a greater arc of fire.
There are also five Wellblech personnel shelters here, all but one of which are little more than raised areas of ground in the agricultural fields which the site is located upon. The exposed arched metal roof of one of the Wellblech shelters can still be viewed but the shelter itself is no longer able to be accessed.