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Wn Anemone
Small Wellblech shelters inland of Bray Dunes

Wn Anemone site overview

What to see
The German bunker sites near to the France-Belgium border are all named after flowers and begin with the letter ‘A’ – the further west you travel the site names work their way down the alphabet, changing to boys’ and girls’ names to animals and German cities.
Wn Anemone is inland of the coast at Bray Dunes and stands in farm fields around a derelict farmhouse. This was a barrack site with two remaining Wellblech troop accommodation buildings – much shortened versions than found elsewhere - and a small shelter left to see on the west side of the Rue Pierre Decock.

Wn Anemone - Wellblech shelter. Copyright NormandyBunkers

Wn Anemone - Wellblech shelter. Copyright NormandyBunkers

Wn Anemone site overview.

Wn Anemone - Wellblech shelter. Copyright NormandyBunkers
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