Wn103 Munchen
Small beachfront bunker site east of Calais at Sangatte

Wn103 Munchen site overview

What to see
Wn103 Munchen is one of four sites on the beachfront at Sangatte and neighbours Wn104 Stuttgart, Wn105 Koln, and Stp106 Dresden – all named after large German cities.
The remaining concrete here is mixed in with modern beach defences, an extensive promenade, and housing now occupying the long beach area, but is still easy to find.
Walk through the dunes from the D940 coast road to the beach area and at Wn103 you’ll see a special construction personnel shelter and a Vf67 type Tobruk which overlooks the beach. Between the two was a small ammo store but this is now completely buried.
Just a few yards away was the site’s heaviest defence, a R667 casemate which housed a 5cm KwK anti-tank gun which was trained to the west of the position to cover the beach. This casemate was partially removed to make way for the new promenade over a decade ago but has now been completely removed from the area.
Around 100m to the west of the Tobruk, on the edge of the promenade, is a machine gun pillbox which is an early type of build which is found regularly in the Dunkirk and Calais areas, but few remain outside of these areas on the Atlantikwall.