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Wn105 Koln
Small beachfront bunker site east of Calais at Sangatte

Wn105 Koln site overview

What to see
Wn105 Koln is one of four sites on the beachfront at Sangatte and neighbours Wn103 Munchen, Wn104 Stuttgart, and Stp106 Dresden – all named after large German cities.
The remaining concrete here is mixed in with modern beach defences, an extensive promenade, and housing now occupying the long beach area, but is still easy to find as it can be seen from the main D940 road.
Koln’s two buildings are a small personnel shelter and a Kabel Schalt Stelle (KSS) which is a telephone connection building where the lines from field positions and bunkers were linked to switchboards.
Both buildings are partially buried and can’t be accessed.

Wn105 Koln KSS cable bunker. Copyright NormandyBunkers

Wn105 Koln KSS cable bunker. Copyright NormandyBunkers

Wn105 Koln location overview.

Wn105 Koln KSS cable bunker. Copyright NormandyBunkers
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