Stp173 Trakehner
Small resistance position in the village of Tardinghen

Stp173 Trakehner site overview

What to see
There are a few well-hidden remains in what was once a small resistance position on the high ground around the beautiful village of Tardinghen.
Within view of Cap Gris Nez to the west and Wissant to the north east, Stp173 Trakehner features a small concrete observation post built in a similar style to Vf3 MG types found on Luftwaffe airfield sites. This is overgrown and on private land so not accessible.
In front of the church there’s a well buried Tobruk and this one once featured a mortar rather than the usual machine gun. A second Tobruk stood on the south west side of the church but has been removed as has a Wellbelch personnel shelter near to the observation post.
A small shelter stands on the right hand side of the main D940 road heading towards Wissant on the outskirts of the village, but that is now overgrown and inaccessible due to being in a farmer’s field.