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Stp179 Stollberg

Former batterie with captured French guns

Stp179 Stollberg site overview

What to see

Access to this former batterie site is limited but you can catch glimpses of some of the remaining structures from the main road which runs from Wissant to Marquise.
Stp179 Stollberg was the site of four 15.5cm, captured French field guns, two of which were protected inside R669 casemates. These two bunkers – along with two Wellblech personnel shelters and a small observation post – are now hidden within wooded farmland.
On the edge of the plantation area are two small ammunition stores and a small troop and storage shelter but there are difficult to find when there are crops in the surrounding fields.
What can be seen though is an outer wall of a large ammunition storage building and the entrances to a Luftschutz anti-aircraft shelter. Around 400m way from the casemates, near to the Luftschutz you can also see short, 140m section of concrete road but this doesn’t seem to connect any of the remaining structures. Further investigation may reveal long since disappeared barracks could have been nearby.
Incidentally, the D238 road which runs south from Wissant to Marquise takes you past an incredible mix of WW2 German sites including the extensive Stp121 Malervilla observation post and personnel shelter site, two Luftwaffe airfield bases known as Vu174 Tillburg and Vu177 Paladin with their remaining aircraft pens, batterie site Stollberg, and Stp180 Schwarztal a location of railway gun firing positions and major ammunition storage facilities.
Near Marquise you can also find one of the three remaining Dombunker buildings, huge bunkers built to protect K5 railway guns which operated in the area.


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