Stp183 Eber
Large ammunition bunkers for Batterie Todt guns

Stp183 Eber site overview

What to see
Just over 1km inland of the village of Audinghen is the strongpoint known as Stp183 Eber which served as a supply point for ammunition for the huge coastal Batterie Todt gun towers located at nearby Haringzelle.
Eber featured a large, 30m wide x 16m long, special construction ammunition bunker which provided a temporary storage for the 380mm shells and their propelling charges in its six, 12m long storage rooms, and a smaller ammunition storage building less than 50m away.
While both bunkers are still in place today, they were subjected to controlled explosions to destroy them following their capture by the Canadian Royal Winnipeg Rifles in mid-September 1944.
One is in a destroyed state while the other is still standing although the inside is in ruins, perhaps due to a smaller explosion not penetrating the 1m thick reinforced concrete walls.
Also, part of the complex, which was manned by over 80 troops, are supporting R622 group bunkers, a kitchen building, garage, and many smaller shelters. Apart from the kitchen, these are heavily overgrown and not accessible.
Surrounding the bunkers at the farmland location are a ring of defensive Tobruks and while the fields to the north east of the site are the remains of positions for two medium-range Wurzburg Reise radar dishes and a long-range Freya radar system.
On a clear day you can see the white cliffs of the south coast of England from the radar positions.