Wn117 Ludenscheid
Small resistance nest with heavy weapons overlooking Wissant beach

Wn117 Ludenscheid site overview

What to see
Wn117 Ludenscheid, along with its near neighbours Wn118 Krefeld, Wn116 Barmen, and Stp115 Wuppertal, are located in the 40m high sand dune system to the north of the town of Wissant.
Access to all four of the sites is now strongly discouraged in order to protect the delicate sand dune ecosystems and natural sea defences that have been created – if you’re visiting then please show respect.
Ludenscheid is a beachfront position which offered defence for the large Kriegsmarine batterie of Wn118 Krefeld further inland to the south.
It packed a punch too with a west-facing R612 casemate housing a 7.5cm field gun plus a PAK stand concrete bunker for a Czech-built 4.7cm fortress gun, and an open emplacement for a smaller artillery piece, likely a 5cm KwK anti-tank gun.
A large Wellblech personnel shelter is buried in the dune scrub nearby.