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Wn118 Krefeld

Large blown up Kriegsmarine batterie in Wissant dunes

Wn118 Krefeld site overview

What to see

Wn118 Krefeld, along with its near neighbours, Wn117 Ludenscheid, Wn116 Barmen, and Stp115 Wuppertal, are located in the 40m high sand dune system to the north of the town of Wissant.

Access to all four of the sites is now strongly discouraged in order to protect the delicate sand dune ecosystems and natural sea defences that have been created, and some parts are off limits without permission – if you’re visiting then please show respect.
Krefeld started life with four 17cm naval guns in large open emplacements plus an imposing M120 fire control post but evolved to feature four M270 type casemates for 15cm naval guns with two each side of the M120.
Only overgrown rubble remains of the casemates today and the M120 has become so overgrown it is no longer accessible. Inside, it once featured a plotting room, communications centre, and range-finding equipment along with spaces for personnel.
The site saw little action, operating from May to September 1944 before being abandoned as Canadian forces moved towards Calais. The retreating Germans destroyed the four casemates to prevent to guns and ammunition falling into Allied hands.
The explosions must have been incredible to witness given that there are chunks of concrete over 100m away from the location of the casemates.
Conversely, the M120 was stripped of its valuable metal after the war and then partially destroyed as Allied engineers exploded left-over ammunition inside the structure.


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