Wn171 Brautnacht
Small defensive position on the outskirts of Wissant

Wn171 Brautnacht site overview

What to see
This small defensive site on the hill to the south east of Wissant originally started off in late 1940 as an observation and barracks site for Luftwaffe personnel supporting the many grass airfields established in the area as German aircraft battled for the skies over Britain.
Following their defeat, the army took over the site and established more permanent buildings including a R667 casemate for a 5cm KwK anti-tank gun positioned to cover the road to the west of Wissant towards Tardinghen.
Due to vegetation now covering the front of the casemate it is now hidden from view if driving along the road, but you can see the protected rear entrance to the bunker where you’ll find it has been sealed to allow its use by bats.
A short walk around the hilltop brings you to an almost completely buried Tobruk which once supported a captured French tank turret. Between the casemate and the Tobruk a short storage tunnel was dug into the hillside, but this is no longer visible under the heavy gorse at the site.
At the top of the hill there is now an observation platform for walkers to view the area east towards Cap Gris Nez and west towards Wissant and this has been built on top of a small concrete, single group shelter which is no longer accessible.