British Normandy Memorial
Remembering the fallen from D-Day and the Battle of Normandy

British Normandy Memorial area overview

What to see
Opened on June 6, 2021 - the 77th Anniversary of D-Day - the British Normandy Memorial records the names of the 22,442 servicemen and women under British command who fell on D-Day and during the Battle of Normandy in the summer of 1944.
The memorial includes people from more than 30 different countries. Inscribed on the stone columns are men and women from the Army, Royal Air Force, Royal Navy and the Special Operations Executive in a design which, from the air, creates a Union Flag on the hillside west of Ver-sur-Mer.
Incorporated into the site - which began construction in 2019 - and in front of the main entrance is a wall of the names of those who died on D-Day. Walk through into the Memorial Court and you'll see the D-Day sculpture of three servicemen making their way inland from the beach.
On the hillside below the Memorial, overlooking Gold Beach, are five unique waymarkers directing visitors towards the five D-Day beaches - Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword - and each represent different elements of the landings.
To the west of the site there is a French Memorial, dedicated to the memory of French civilians who died during this time.
From the car park you are taken past a series of six plinths each with a part of the story of the Normandy campaign from D-Day onwards to victory. While the site is free to visit it is strongly encouraged that visitors leave a donation via the card readers in the car park area.
Please note that drone flying is not permitted at the British Normandy Memorial.
More info at www.britishnormandymemorial.org