Stp42 Arromanches-les-Bains
Radar station on the cliffs east of Arromanches

Stp42 site overview

What to see
Just a fraction of the original buildings and support structures remain today at Stp42, a site which featured personnel from all three German military branches – Heer, Kriegsmarine, and Luftwaffe.
The site, located on the cliff to the east of the town of Arromanches, had a mixed role with defensive bunkers and casemates protecting the beach and routes inland, anti-aircraft defences, and a naval radar detection role too, hence the three branches.
Today, there's a huge car park for visitors to enjoy a view of the town, beach, Mulberry harbour and visit the 360 degree cinema attraction at the Stp42 site, along with several memorials, and WW2 exhibits including an 88mm anti-aircraft gun, a section of roadway from the harbour, and the famous D-Day 75 Memorial Garden - an award-winning installation honouring the British troops who landed here to begin the liberation of Europe.
On the edge of the cliffs are several concrete remains which include an emplacement for a 2cm AA gun, a small observation post, the roof of a personnel shelter, and two concrete stands for the Seetakt FuMO2 naval search radar and Wurzburg See-Riese FuMO 214 radar.
One of the rarest builds on the entire Atlantikwall also stands on the edge of the cliffs, a dish-like concrete bowl which was the fixing point for a barrage balloon. A second balloon fixing point was located further to the east at the site but has long since disappeared.
Stp42 wasn’t without its defences either and the largest of these is the R612 casemate on the western edge. This was built for a 7.5cm anti-tank gun facing west, and the remains of the gun inside the casemate have recently become visible after the wooden shutters which covered over the front embrasure fell apart following stormy weather.
The R612 casemate is the location for the French Sherman ‘Berry au Bac’ memorial, one of the most photographed tanks in the whole of Normandy.
Stp42 once also included an open emplacement for the 7.5cm field gun on the higher ground near the R612, plus two Tobruks for 5cm mortars, three anti-aircraft gun positions, barracks, Wellblech shelters, and a generator building for the radar systems.
Arromanches is a beautiful town and a must visit for anyone heading to Normandy - and there's loads of things to do for all WW2 buffs.
The town is the area where the Mulberry Harbour artificial port was constructed, providing landing access for millions of tonnes of material, vehicles, and men following the capture of the area by British forces on D-Day.
There’s also a huge landing museum - refurbished and expanded in 2023 - and a smaller but equally fascinating Liberators Museum full of original artifacts donated by veterans.