Stp81 Grandcamp Maisy
Small site to the east of Grandcamp port

Stp81 site overview

What to see
There isn't much left to see at Wn81 Grandcamp, and what remains is now largely covered over by modern sea defences.
The key build here is a special construction Doppelschartenstand - a double embrasure casemate which would allow the 5cm KwK gun positioned inside to fire along the shoreline and beach to the west towards Wn82 and east to the area around the port at Grandcamp-Maisy.
To the east of the Doppelschartenstand is a small Tobruk and q section of original anti-tank wall which leads you to a R667 casemate which once housed a second, east facing 5cm KwK gun which covered the west side of the port. The R667 has received heavy damage to it, possibly through the destruction of left-over ammunition exploded inside the small gun position after its capture.
Behind the sea wall were a series of small shelters and defensive Tobruks, but these are now part of the aquaculture centre or holiday houses so are difficult to see. They may have been removed to aid the modern buildings erected here.