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Major Richard D. Winters Leadership Monument

Location and info
This is the Leadership Monument near Utah Beach, Normandy which depicts Richard D Winters from the US 101st Airborne Easy Company – the ‘Band of Brothers’.
On D-Day he led his men on a daring assault of a German artillery position at Brécourt Manor which was firing on the nearby Utah landing beach. Silencing the position with just a handful of men, the assault was a major success and was used as an example in the training of future generations of US soldiers.
A humble man, there is a quote from him on the side of the monument which reads: “Wars do not make men great, but they bring out the greatness in good men.”
The location of the monument is close to the field at Brécourt Manor.

Major Richard D. Winters Leadership Monument. Copyright NormandyBunkers

Major Richard D. Winters Leadership Monument. Copyright Norm

Major Richard D. Winters Leadership Monument. Copyright NormandyBunkers
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