Stp277 Batterie Yorck
Old French batterie site with big German bunkers

Stp277 site overview

What to see
Located in Amfreville to the west of Cherbourg, Batterie Yorck features four huge M271 casemates for 17cm guns, plus flak positions, defensive Tobruks, and a hospital bunker.
This complex was built over an old French coastal fort and is difficult to access today with many of the bunkers and structures almost completely overgrown.
At the heart of the site is a multi level Fire Control Post/Observation bunker which you can get access to although the floors inside the rooms are littered with debris so you need to take care if you visit.
Surrounding the FCP are four M271 casemates - all in a very good conditions - but these again are heavily overgrown so be careful if you're planning to go inside. There are also several shafts which you'll need to be aware of.
The hospital bunker in the field near the site entrance features two long rooms split by an internal wall which has long since collapsed. The entrances to this construction are overgrown and can be very slippery in wet weather due to the steps being covered in a mix of mud and rubble so be careful if you plan to look inside.
The old French fort building and ammunition rooms are an interesting step back in time and provide a strong contrast to the rounded fronts of the German casemates.