Versorgungsstelle 1009
V1 flying bomb storage site near Bricquebec

Versorgungsstelle 1009 site overview

What to see
Behind the many V1 flying bomb launch positions located on the Cotentin peninsula was a supply chain network with a series of storage hubs for receiving and storing the disassembled weapons prior to dispersal to launch sites.
Versorgungsstelle 1009 is one of two supply sites in the area and is located near the beautiful town of Bricquebec-en-Cotentin to the south of Cherbourg, an area which dozens of potential launch sites were proposed or had begun to be constructed.
Its neighbour, site V1009, stands on the edge of the expanding light industry area of the town of Valognes and featured three large depots along with smaller storage buildings for fuel, ammunition, and other supplies.
Versorgungsstelle 1008 is a more spread out site than 1009 and follows the D121 road to the north of Bricquebec with over 150m to 350m between buildings. It featured seven 30m by 12m, brick-built depot buildings with two main entrances and reinforced concrete roofs.
A concrete bunker/garage-like structure which looks similar in layout to the fuse storage structures at V1 launch sites is also present at V1009.
While one of the brick depots has been destroyed, the remaining buildings are all still visible although most are in use on farms as storage or in private gardens where they are being used as garages and workshops.
Both V1009 and V1008 sites are within close proximity of the main railway line which bisects the area.