Wn115 Pointe de Saire
Big gun bunker... with fabulous seafood

Wn115 site overview

What to see
Pointe du Saire is a small headland featuring and old French fort and around it were built a series of shelters and gun bunkers once the area was occupied by German forces in 1940.
At the point itself you'd be forgiven for missing the largest casemate built at the site - the R677 built for a 88mm gun - as it is incorporated into the LeGoeland bar and restaurant - even more reason to go inside and take a look where you'll find some great food and a well preserved casemate too.
This casemate covered the area to the south towards Saint-Vaast-la-Hogue while just a few yards away you can get inside a smaller R667 casemate for a 5cm KwK anti-tank gun which faces north along the sandy beach towards Wn116 Les Epagnes Dranguet.
There are also a couple of personnel shelters and a defensive Tobruk at the site. Plenty of car parking.