Wn124 Gatteville
Defences around the base of World’s third tallest traditional lighthouse

Wn124 Gatteville site overview

What to see
If you’ve ever climbed the 365 steps and 12 floors to the top of the Gatteville lighthouse - the third tallest traditional-style lighthouse in the World and second tallest in France at over 75m high – you’ll be able to see not only incredible views but also a number of WW2 German Atlantikwall constructions too.
Located near the modern semaphore station – which was the original lighthouse/semaphore station – you can see a defensive Tobruk, two machine gun positions in the outer wall, and a ringstand for a 5cm KwK anti-tank gun.
From the top you can also see several strongpoints including Wn123 Harve de Houlvi with its rare network of concrete trenches and the massive Stp152 Batterie Gatteville site with its four R679 casemates and early-build open emplacements for 15.5cm guns.
Gatteville lighthouse was completed in 1774. The tallest lighthouse in France is located in Finistere, Brittany, and is 83m high.