V1 site No 161 Poteau de Montauban
Launch facility surrounded by dense woodland

V1 site No 161 Guerville location

What to see
There are a number of V1 launch facilities located within the dense forests of Eu, including site No 161 Poteau de Montauban to the south of the village of Guerville, just 17km inland of the port of Le Treport.
This location has been opened up for visitors and the vegetation has been cut back to allow you access to many of the original buildings. A replica V1 flying bomb and long section of Walter launch ramp - surrounded by tall trees - does give you an experience of how well these sites were hidden.
This ramp was angled at 328 degress in the direction of London over 206km away.
Behind the ramp you can see the fire control post and also the the remains of the non-magnetic building where the V1 would have been hung up for it's gyroscope to be set prior to its mounting on to the launch ramp.
This 'Richthaus' features a concrete base with a wooden construction over the top - you can even see the post holes where the upright posts would have stood to support the roof and hook to hand the flying bomb itself.
Nearby you can see evidence of craters caused by bombing raids, two of which are right next to the non-magnetic building's platform, and the remains of the garage for the compressor and chemical store can also be attributed to war damage.
The largest building at the site was the V1 reception but this is no more than the foundations now, the materials used in its construction recovered after the war for local repairs.
A fascinating site and well worth driving out for a visit.