V1 site No 235 Saint-German-de-Tournebut
Remains of 'Light' V1 flying bomb launch site

V1 site No 235 Saint-German-de-Tournebut location

What to see
One of hundreds of V1 flying bomb launch facilities constructed across Normandy - all in various stages of completion - this site stands within a cluster of launch sites to the south east of Cherbourg near Valognes on the Cotentin peninsula.
There isn't much left to see here at the location which is just a few kilometres inland of the Utah Beach but what remains is interesting and gives you an example of what a V1 'light' site would have looked like with few buildings and a launch ramp.
Although the ramp is no longer in situ, the concrete foundations for the ramp is and it lies across a concrete road to a farm. The ramp here was angled so the V1 would be aimed towards the south coast of England around the port city of Plymouth.
Back along the farm road towards the D216 road you can find strange markings on a patch of concrete and these help you identify that this was the site's anti-magnetic building. This structure was built without any metal strengthening and was the place where the V1 would have been hung up prior to launch so its magnetic gyroscope could be set. Unlike some of the more developed V1 'Heavy' sites, this building doesn't seem to have been built in the same way as some of the more developed V 'Heavy' sites and doesn't feature any foundations for concrete and brick walls.
It's likely to have been a wooden structure which covered this space instead although we have been unable to find any post remains or holes surrounding the platform which would confirm this.
Along with a series of smaller concrete niches - possibly for storing fuses - there's a large garage which is too grand a building for a vehicle and due to the ventilation holes in the rear which match with ammunition stores at other sites we can only summarize this was used to store the partially built, flying bombs or fuel for them.
As with all V1 sites in Normandy, this one was captured by Allied forces before it was able to launch any V1s on England.