Batterie Vasouy
Large gun batterie overlooking the mouth of the River Seine

Batterie Vasouy site overview

What to see
If you've ever visited the popular Longues-sur-Mer batterie overlooking Gold Beach in Normandy then you'll recognise the types of buildings at Batterie Vasouy as this site also features a M262 type of Fire Control Post/observation bunker and M272 casemates.
Although these don't feature the guns which are still in place at Longues, Batterie Vasouy also housed 15cm shielded guns. The plan was for four casemates at the site overlooking the mouth of the River Seine to the south west of Honfleur and Le Havre, but only three were ever built.
Two are in relatively good condition today, albeit a little overgrown for entering from the rear, while the third build has been completely destroyed and is little more than piles of concrete rubble and twisted steel reinforcing.
The M262 FCP can be accessed through the brambles, but only on the upper level.
On private farm land and home to cattle, Batterie Vasouy can only be visited with permission.