Va01 Veules-les-Roses
Small strongpoint on cliff in beautiful coastal town

Va01 Veules-les-Roses site overview

What to see
Even small towns as beautiful as Veules-les-Roses weren’t impervious to the defensive builds of occupying German forces. This small town on the coast between Fecamp and Dieppe in upper Normandy is one of many standing in the clefts in the high chalk cliffs – ideal landing locations for attacking forces.
Covering the beach area are two R612 type casemates for 7.5cm field cannons, both facing towards each other to create a deadly crossfire against anyone landing on the sand in front of the picturesque town.
West of the town you can also find a R637 observation and measuring post for pinpointing targets off the coast. This is now a tourist viewpoint and stands on the edge of the cliff. You can access the inside of the R637 and see the original gas lock doors in place, but the building has been subjected to a lot of graffiti and there is a lot of rubbish inside so be careful if visiting.