Wn03 Le Beau Guillot
Trenches, tank turret, and an open emplacement

Wn03 site overview

What to see
Access to this Widerstandsnest at the southern end of Utah Beach is limited as the marshy area and beach has been turned over to wildlife following the establishment of a wetlands nature reserve complete with bird hides.
From the hides it's difficult to see any of the remaining concrete positions here, but it was once an extensive site surrounded by barbed wire.
At the northern end of the position was an open emplacement for a 7.5cm field cannon with supporting Vf8-type Tobruk close by offering machine gun coverage.
Connected by a series of trenches along the line of the beach you can also see remains of a 1694 Ringstand for a 5cm KwK (KampfwagenKannon) gun and two further Vf8-type Tobruks.
At the most southerly end of Wn03 was a Panzer Dreyturm - a horseshoe-shaped concrete build which would have featured a captured tank turret on top.
Two Vf2a shrapnel-proof shelters for a group of six men and a lighter-built Vf1a shelter stood behind this defensive line. Further inland, and behind a flooded ditch, were two further Vf8 Tobruks for machine guns which stood each side of a third Vf2a shelter.
If you're visiting here, please respect the signs and don't go into the nature reserve.