Wn11 Foucarville Mauger
Small strongpoint with huge variety of bunkers

Wn11 site overview

What to see
Wn11 at Foucarville is a midway defensive position between two larger strongpoints to the north and south.
Split by the main D421 road along Utah Beach, the site is mainly covered by farm buildings on private land, but there are still a few concrete constructions which can be seen.
The sea wall features two Panzer Drehturms - U-shaped builds which would have captured French tank turrets bolted to the top. These gave a wide arc of fire along the beach and road which runs parallel to the shoreline.
Hidden behind recycling bins at the roadside is a 1694 Ringstand for a 5cm KwK gun and Vf2a - a shrapnel-proof, single room group shelter for soldiers while further inland are the remains of Vf personnel shelters, a barracks block, kitchen, and two defensive Tobruks - a Bf58c type and a Bf69 for an 8cm mortar.