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Wn19 Quineville Fort Lestre Hameau Simon
Protection for small harbour at old fort

Wn19 site overview

What to see
This small Widerstandsnest stands on the opposite bank of the Sinope river to Quineville and provided defence from the beach and to the mouth of the river and small harbour.
Again, this was based around the location of an old French fort - Fort Lestre - and featured a mix of defensive positions for 5cm KwK guns in open ringstands, Tobruks for a tank turret and machine guns, and Vf2 personnel shelters for the gun crews.

This Tobruk stands at the edge of the Sinope river inlet to the small harbour at Wn19. It once housed a Renault 35 tank turret. Copyright NormandyBunkers

Roof of one of the two Vf2a personnel shelters at Wn19. Copyright NormandyBunkers

Overview of positions at Wn19 Quineville Fort Lestre Hameau Simon.

This Tobruk stands at the edge of the Sinope river inlet to the small harbour at Wn19. It once housed a Renault 35 tank turret. Copyright NormandyBunkers
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