Stp351 Auderville-la Roche
Extensive bunker complex on cliffs overlooking north west coast

Stp351 site overview

What to see
The most northerly of the big gun batteries on the western coast of the Cotentin peninsula, Auderville La Roche was an extensive complex featuring open emplacements, gun casemates, a workshop, an observation/fire control post and a series of radar and anti-aircraft gun positions.
Spread across the hillside there are a lot of the builds still in place, although they are on farmland used by cattle so not accessible without care and permission. The casemates for the guns have been taken over by the cattle too!
There were four R679 casemates planned here but only three were built before the site was captured by the Allies with three open positions also holding a captured French field gun apiece. Only one of the emplacements - that at the northern part of the site - is still visible.
The R636 type observation and Fire Control Post is still in good condition including the asbestos/wool type of rough camouflage finish on the domed front - the same finish which can be seen on many of the bunkers at the nearby Auderville railway gun site just a short walk to the south.
The roof of the R636 also housed an anti-aircraft gun and you can see the niches which would have held the ammunition for the weapon.
A small position for a Seetakt radar system at the cliff's edge gave the site early warning from air attack and the base for the radar can still be seen, although now mostly covered by gorse and other vegetation.