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Wn329 Barneville-Carteret
Small bunker site protecting entrance to harbour on east Cotentin coast

Wn329 site overview

What to see
Located to the south of the small harbour in the port town of Barneville-Carteret are the remains of a small bunker site created to protect the entrance to the harbour.
Just two buildings can be seen today, with others either removed/destroyed or partially buried in the sand dunes near the edge of the river mouth.
The open emplacement for a 5cm anti-tank gun is the most prominent of the remaining structures, now featuring a tourist map and viewpoint information board about the nature reserve the site stands in.
Just a few metres away you can also see a Vf58c type Tobruk for a MG.

Wn329 Barneville-Carteret open emplacement. Copyright NormandyBunkers

Wn329 Barneville-Carteret open emplacement. Copyright NormandyBunkers

Location and overview of Wn329 Barneville-Carteret.

Wn329 Barneville-Carteret open emplacement. Copyright NormandyBunkers
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