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Wn387 Beaumont Hague HQ

Headquarters bunkers for north west Cotentin sites

Wn387 Beaumont Hague HQ site overview

What to see

Nestling in the shadow of the Eglise Notre Dame de la Hague are two R608 type command bunkers and a small concrete water reservoir.
The two bunkers are almost invisible from the main D901 road which runs behind the site, but a short walk from the church brings you to the defended fronts of each bunker.
R608 bunkers were built to act as section, battalion, and regimental headquarters and these were used by the soldiers manning the artillery sites around Auderville to the north west of the site.
They feature 12 rooms for crew with an external observation Tobruk. Inside there are rooms for communications, a heater, a chart/plotting room, and accommodation for the commander and his officers, all defended by a close combat embrasure for a machine gun covering the two entrances and entry steps to the Tobruk.
Both R608s are accessible but tend to be flooded.


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